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Evidence mounts that Dalmatians are being given steroids.
There both identical. Mare or less
“Will you stop playing with that paint gun Tommy.”
"I'm a little hoarse today, mummy"... "I'm not your mummy, and you're not a little horse, OK?"...
Spot the difference
"..and as the Dalmatian Wolf closes in for the kill, we see how the Chameleon Horse confuses it's attackers..."
"Hey, baby. Everyone loves doggie style."
Dave the Dalmatian always did have a thing for larger ladies.
Poor dog, he’ll think he’s going to grow up to be that big.
''You had one job, Dave.'' ''Sorry, Cruella, I got confused by the spots.''
Spot The Join... ------------ o ------------ It's quite hard to tell, With these dearest of friends, Just WHERE one begins And the other one ends... ------------ o ------------
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