Congratulations, Vanessa! My apologies for worming my way into the top prize at the eleventh hour, but I'm relieved that your brilliant caption has a prize as well!
Wow, talk about pipped at the post, Vanessa. Nobody could have predicted Crunchy tearing up the home straight like that Still, I'm glad both my favourites came in, and happy there was a second place prize this month.
Great caption Vanessa, and a terrific performance having three captions in the top ten. You certainly earnt your prize. It appears sometimes a one can beat a 10.
Thank you all for the votes and comments, much appreciated. I'm unable to private message you Chris, but could you please donate my winnings to the prize fund?
Well done Vanessa, I guesser real winner. 9 out of 10 at least. You might be wishing it worm more, but donating 25 pounds back to the prize fund is still very generous. (And apologies for only reading the first line of the winner announcement at first and thus being late to congratulate.)
Must be late for the party
Congratulations, Vanessa! My apologies for worming my way into the top prize at the eleventh hour, but I'm relieved that your brilliant caption has a prize as well!
Wow, talk about pipped at the post, Vanessa. Nobody could have predicted Crunchy tearing up the home straight like that
Still, I'm glad both my favourites came in, and happy there was a second place prize this month.
Nice one Vanessa ... if you celebrate with a drink ... 'Down the hatch'
...and it's yet another premier caption from The Guesser. Congratulations, Vanessa.
Great caption! Congratulations!
Well done Vanessa.
It's time to celebrate Vanessa (as long as we're not in the middle of an epidemic and there are no cameras about)
Great caption Vanessa, and a terrific performance having three captions in the top ten. You certainly earnt your prize. It appears sometimes a one can beat a 10.
Well done, Vanessa. Three captions in the top ten is quality stuff.
Well done to you 🙂👍🙂 on your receiving your prize.
Thank you all for the votes and comments, much appreciated. I'm unable to private message you Chris, but could you please donate my winnings to the prize fund?
Very kind of you Vanessa. Thanks so much!
Please let me know your preferences: 2022 or 2023 prize pool, and either increasing the monthly prize or adding a bonus prize?
Many congratulations, Vanessa - a superb caption. If only Boris had been worming his way into No. 1...
Well done Vanessa. A really good caption which similar to the winner was based around a number. And well done for supporting the site too 😁
Well done Vanessa, I guesser real winner. 9 out of 10 at least. You might be wishing it worm more, but donating 25 pounds back to the prize fund is still very generous. (And apologies for only reading the first line of the winner announcement at first and thus being late to congratulate.)
The Simpsons foresaw President Trump. Could have foretold the return of Boris?
Exact wording on front page of Daily Mirror this morning: "Disgraced ex-PM flies in to worm way back to No10"
Well that's just blatant plagiarism, Vanessa, unless, of course, you're actually a reporter for the Mirror but too embarrassed to admit it.