Fast Food (I Think The Record's 1.26 Seconds)
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To play with your food
I was told's always rude,
So I ate just a couple of layers.
The rest that was left
Could be used, so I guessed,
As a game for a couple of players.
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And no, a CUBIC meal's NOT a square meal...

last comments (total: 7)
more captions for photo
I'm wondering if this is meant to be three separate entries. But you put them together so I guess not.
I don’t think there’s any need to take SD’s comment as an attack of any kind. It looked like a pretty reasonable comment.
Nonetheless, just to reassure - all kinds of creativity is welcome here and I certainly won’t be throwing anyone out for unconventional captions!
Fear not. I'm off to W.Africa in a couple of weeks or so - leaving one third-world country for another! (A month or so's radio silence). Not sure how many Prime Ministers we'll get through till I return. Gatwick ------------>
Start wondering how many we'll get through before you leave.
Lol Molly. Reading your comment out of context, it could seem rather derogatory (referring to his "poems" rather than Prime Ministers) but I'm sure it's not.
No matter how many Prime Ministers we get through surely things can't get any verse.
Get off the site.
"Fast Food (I Think The Record's 1.26 Seconds)"
* Especially if it gives you the runs.
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"The rest that was left
Could be used, so I guessed,
As a game for a couple of players"
* It would be the shortest game of chess ever.
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"And no, a CUBIC meal's NOT a square meal..."
* Thank you for bringing another dimension to captions.