I think it will pose some interesting questions in regards to what people post and what they consider as acceptable for humour. And also how transferable this is to other captions that they've posted and how they apply it differently to the content of photos. What are your thoughts?
It's a harmless photo and, in an ideal world, nothing to concern ourselves with - but unfortunately there's potential for dodgy captions. Let's avoid up-voting similar photos in future.
Apologies if this photo has caused offence. I posted it because I thought it was funny. I didn't see it as paedophilic in any way and would certainly not have submitted it if I had.
I'll be honest. When I saw the photo the first thing that came into my head was: Breaking News: The Man From Del Monte Gets Fifteen Years. I was going to post it when a little voice in my head said 'you can't post a joke about child abuse'. So I ditched it in favour of the abysmal 'Orange aid'. However, I recently noticed that another Del Monte joke was posted and got some votes so perhaps I made the wrong call. It was a difficult decision.
'The man from Del Monte got fifteen years' would have got my vote, because it would have made me laugh. The photo is harmless in my view, as is my mind towards kids.
This situation kinda reminds me of the stigma surrounding Brass Eye's Paedo-geddon episode. (For those that don't know) The irony is the makers weren't making fun of child abuse but the hysteria that surrounds it and how it's sensationalised by the media. Unfortunately some people watching it got the wrong end of the stick or did a Mary Whitehouse where they didn't bother watching it and got so hysterical or on their high horse that there were calls to get it banned from Channel 4. The fact that some folks have been unsure or hesitant to post something with this photo possibly suggests that this feeling is still a bit prevalent?
At first the photo made me feel uncomfortable but then I decided to take it in the spirit in which it was taken which is just innocent fun. I chose not to use words like the p word because I wanted to see the photo as just children messing around without having to think how some individuals might choose to see it. The unfortunate thing as Chris has said is it is hard for people to see the photo in this way. If I could, I would downvote every caption which refers to anything other than innocent fun. I think society needs to find a balance where an old man can offer a child a sweet without their parents looking at them suspiciously. It is a shame caption.me couldn't maintain this brave new world. By the way, I'm not an old man although I do have 3 daughters.
I remember, as a small child, being taken to the park to feed the ducks and being approached by an elderly gentleman who offered me a sweet. I got such a telling off from my mother for talking to a stranger and accepting the sweet. She inadvertently filled my head with images of little children being abducted and harmed. As we made our way towards the exit I turned around and spotted the old man about ten metres behind us. Decades later I can still see his face in my mind. He was a fairly innocuous looking chap, rather like an ageing Gerald Harper, enjoying the sights and scents of a summer afternoon. Yet I was convinced he was a child killer and became hysterical, thinking he was coming to get me. In order to shut me up we had to hide behind a bush and wait for him to pass.
To be honest I'm surprised this photo has caused such offence. Is it the oranges? As paedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent children I would imagine they would find the pretend breasts a turn off and therefore I don't really understand why this photo would inspire captions about child abuse.
For a neutral photo, it's funny how it's been potentially tainted by what people could imagine to be an "associative" context that doesn't apply. It's good that folk weren't put off posting captions though.
Hi Stephen, I appreciate the comment. It'd be great if we had more challenging picture to caption if folk were game (depending what is considered as challenging, or even taboo), and see what happens. I mean, usually it's the photos that don't have a lot of content in them or much going on that usually result in low caption posts etc.
I agree. I did not vote for it, nor will I contribute a caption for it. I do not think it is appropriate although probably taken in all innocence.
I think it will pose some interesting questions in regards to what people post and what they consider as acceptable for humour. And also how transferable this is to other captions that they've posted and how they apply it differently to the content of photos. What are your thoughts?
A cute photo (if it was your own kids)..that should have been kept in the family album...not one for here
It's a harmless photo and, in an ideal world, nothing to concern ourselves with - but unfortunately there's potential for dodgy captions. Let's avoid up-voting similar photos in future.
Apologies if this photo has caused offence. I posted it because I thought it was funny. I didn't see it as paedophilic in any way and would certainly not have submitted it if I had.
I'll be honest. When I saw the photo the first thing that came into my head was: Breaking News: The Man From Del Monte Gets Fifteen Years. I was going to post it when a little voice in my head said 'you can't post a joke about child abuse'. So I ditched it in favour of the abysmal 'Orange aid'. However, I recently noticed that another Del Monte joke was posted and got some votes so perhaps I made the wrong call. It was a difficult decision.
'The man from Del Monte got fifteen years' would have got my vote, because it would have made me laugh. The photo is harmless in my view, as is my mind towards kids.
This situation kinda reminds me of the stigma surrounding Brass Eye's Paedo-geddon episode. (For those that don't know) The irony is the makers weren't making fun of child abuse but the hysteria that surrounds it and how it's sensationalised by the media. Unfortunately some people watching it got the wrong end of the stick or did a Mary Whitehouse where they didn't bother watching it and got so hysterical or on their high horse that there were calls to get it banned from Channel 4. The fact that some folks have been unsure or hesitant to post something with this photo possibly suggests that this feeling is still a bit prevalent?
At first the photo made me feel uncomfortable but then I decided to take it in the spirit in which it was taken which is just innocent fun. I chose not to use words like the p word because I wanted to see the photo as just children messing around without having to think how some individuals might choose to see it. The unfortunate thing as Chris has said is it is hard for people to see the photo in this way. If I could, I would downvote every caption which refers to anything other than innocent fun. I think society needs to find a balance where an old man can offer a child a sweet without their parents looking at them suspiciously. It is a shame caption.me couldn't maintain this brave new world. By the way, I'm not an old man although I do have 3 daughters.
Everyone is going on about paedophiles, I didn't even know Joe Biden looked at this site.
Is it really any different to little girls wearing their mother's high heels or smearing her makeup on their faces.
I remember, as a small child, being taken to the park to feed the ducks and being approached by an elderly gentleman who offered me a sweet. I got such a telling off from my mother for talking to a stranger and accepting the sweet. She inadvertently filled my head with images of little children being abducted and harmed. As we made our way towards the exit I turned around and spotted the old man about ten metres behind us. Decades later I can still see his face in my mind. He was a fairly innocuous looking chap, rather like an ageing Gerald Harper, enjoying the sights and scents of a summer afternoon. Yet I was convinced he was a child killer and became hysterical, thinking he was coming to get me. In order to shut me up we had to hide behind a bush and wait for him to pass.
To be honest I'm surprised this photo has caused such offence. Is it the oranges? As paedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent children I would imagine they would find the pretend breasts a turn off and therefore I don't really understand why this photo would inspire captions about child abuse.
For a neutral photo, it's funny how it's been potentially tainted by what people could imagine to be an "associative" context that doesn't apply. It's good that folk weren't put off posting captions though.
As far as I'm concerned you came up with the best one Glyn. It deserved to win with many more votes.
"...captioneers are giving this a miss." Or two misses as the case may be.
Hi Stephen, I appreciate the comment. It'd be great if we had more challenging picture to caption if folk were game (depending what is considered as challenging, or even taboo), and see what happens. I mean, usually it's the photos that don't have a lot of content in them or much going on that usually result in low caption posts etc.