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super vote: ( left this week)

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Paralympians resume, their. train'ing after lockdown?
cash prize caption contestVote score: {props.stats.delayedVoteScore}

last comments (total: 14)

Could you get rid of the apostrophe?


Once you start Karyn it's a never ending task...


Haha. If I didn't think it was a decent caption I wouldn't have mentioned it, but punctuation matters to me, and I think even a small error can reduce a caption's chances of receiving the votes it deserves. More recently I've tried to ignore grammatical errors/typos and rarely point them out for fear of causing offence. We all have our own ideas as to what makes a caption vote-worthy. Not everyone will agree with me but this is one of mine.


Never ending, perhaps, but Grammar Police is a noble calling, ever vigilant, standing tall, scouring the web to keep it safe from the ever present danger of language decay. Under the dome of their protection we entrust our future, think of the children!

* Just found my comment post on "Perhaps voting habits have changed.. " I had "of" changed instead of "have" .. yet Karyn up-voted it without spotting the egregious grammatical error. Ever vigilant, Karyn, EVER Vigilant.


It only applies to captions SnapDragon, not comments. Having said that, and as I mentioned in my comment, I've recently started to try and ignore errors/typos (at least the minor ones) and vote for otherwise worthy captions. I did give this caption a vote. I'd just prefer it without the apostrophe.


I agree, if he removes the affrontery, we'll vote too.


Maybe "Paralympian's" is fine Karyn, and the error is in "résumé" ;)


Couldn't agree more, Mr. Dome and Karyn. Trying to correct too many mistakes takes away from the purpose of the post and of the site. I usually ignore the small things, although large or numerous mistakes can detract from the humor of the post (In that case I simply don't vote for it.) I sometimes make mistakes and sometimes spellcheck defeats me, so I don't want to seem like a hypocrite either.
P.S. I did notice your grammar mistake, SnapDragon D, but voted it up anyway.


Yeah, this will be a two camp thing Willie. I'm a pedantic prick, so I love to see word perfect captions (except inside quotations, then anything goes), and the offering of caption improvements has always been encouraged on this site. So, I'm all for the Grammar Police if they advise on the laws of grammar in a nice way, as Karyn has done here.

Sure, some people won't mind errors, but some will, so taking grammar advice can really only get you more votes at the end of the day.


My gripe is a spoken word caption without speech marks.


Oops, I do that sometimes.


Sometimes I give advice when I think it might improve the caption, but it does make you feel bad when you're only trying to help and someone gets offended.


It's the modern religion, don't you know. Righteous indignation, offended by everything makes one more pious than one's peers, it's all part of the new normal, a self righteous caste system. So virtue signal away, old chum, tallyho!


Re: "My gripe is a spoken word caption without speech marks."

My gripe is when "quotes" are called "speech marks" instead of "double doohickeys."

Which reminds me, when will we get the Quote feature added to the comments section?

Now THAT is something to gripe about.. surely?


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