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That jumper is an eyeful
Knit wit
Live from the Eiffel Tower, QUICK, WE'VE GOT A JUMPER!
"Does that jumper represent Paris and the danger of climate change?" "No! It's the first ever Ku Klux Klan swimathon at Blackpool."
"Mate, that thing looks really phallic. Ever thought of wearing a toupée?"
Pardon my French jumper
Tourist distraction
"That's A done, on to B..."
You can loose the ‘oh what a shock’ face Richard, for your surprise day out.
Fawtly tower...
This tourist clearly louvres Paris.
Manet, Renoir, Monet, Chuck from Idaho’s mom.
This Frenchman didn’t bother me in Paris it was all the Germans wearing Tank Tops!
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