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"What temperature do you set the thermostat?"
How you do feel about me writing captions 3 times a day for the rest of our lives?
Do you like puns?
"Will you marry me?" seems pretty crucial.
Can you give a 90 minute blowjob? If not, what do you intend on doing quietly every time football is on?
And you are?
"Do you have a big problem with having to curtsey in front of my gran?"
#1 Do you like questions?
"Are we related?" A special version of the book was printed just for Norfolk.
"How much is the dowry"?
Also available, "101 Questions to ask Five Minutes into Every Movie" by My Wife
"Do you mind if I fart in bed?"
Have you or any of your family ever voted for the f-cking Tories?
"Have you ever said no when you were asked to get engaged?"
What did you say your name was again?
Question No. 42: Are you totally settled on this gender?
Question No.30: Are you sure that will clear up with ointment?
Anal on birthdays?
# 101. Oh, and when are you gonna tell your husband?
Will you keep your hand under your armpit during sex to comically disguise any queefing?
Do you have a sister?
What's your name?
What do you think about Donald Trump?
Check you have the same venereal diseases.
"Can I carry on sleeping with your sister/brother?"
Is your mother alive?
Do you like Dalmatians?
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