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"This is where you vomited whiskey and Irn-Bru, Mr McTavish? How fascinating." Rishi began to regret taking his campaign tour to Glasgow.
“Just paint a white circle around it, it’ll be fine.”
"What the Frack?"
"Hello! Mr Satan, sir...Can we have a quick word with Mrs Thatcher, please ."
“Looks like a portal to the underworld? I tell you what, we’ll spray a white ring around it and leave it for 12 months…”
BREAKING NEWS... A volcanic hole has appeared near Downing Street. The government said they are looking into it.
''Is it very deep?'' ''Let me put it this way: I've just spotted James Lennox.''
''Well, would you look at that the Devil really does wear Prada''
“The new initiative to keep pensioners warm this winter is launched in Barnsley”
"...and this is where we've filed your tax records Mr Sunak."
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