Apologies to Vanessa, Vivvy, KT A, Karen, Dot, Catherine, Julia, Karen, Karen, Karyn, Kathleen, Mandy, Valerie, Alexandra, and Jo in having to party in a gents' toilet --Mr Dome
It's like that conversation at the start of Reservoir Dogs, Like a Virgin is nothing to do with still being a virgin so it's perfectly fine to sing...not that it wouldn't...erm be...😬
The fact that Gertrude wrote it herself being the child prodigy she is, when quizzed later about it she replied that it was all about her faith "I wanted to capture the unique experience that the Virgin Mary felt when the Holy Spirit passed over her". So yes, it's completely innocent.
See 12:03:26 said Dave
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"Can't believe they are still reeling Tom Cruise out for these Top Gun film series" said Dave [Phil Swan]
Nor am I. That is definitely not a buffalo.
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"Look I am not sure why Dave named you Springfield and me Tikka" [Phil Swan]
Glad your mum was available then
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“You won’t believe how difficult it was finding a baby sitter on New Year’s Eve “ said Dave [Phil Swan]
You're going to have to move the probe a lot lower.
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“Keep searching to find out why he voted for Trump “ [Phil Swan]
See 20:15:50
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“The designer used to work for Hot Wheels “ said Dave [Phil Swan]
Because it looked like a whore's?
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Cinderella was concerned her lost shoe might put off Prince Charming [Phil Swan]
Question, Cap Auth. Is this a pun on 'jaywalking' or is my 20:02:12 (started before seeing yours) a near theme dupe? If the latter, I'll edit.
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“I’m arresting you for jaywalking “ [Phil Swan]
It's like that conversation at the start of Reservoir Dogs, Like a Virgin is nothing to do with still being a virgin so it's perfectly fine to sing...not that it wouldn't...erm be...😬
The fact that Gertrude wrote it herself being the child prodigy she is, when quizzed later about it she replied that it was all about her faith "I wanted to capture the unique experience that the Virgin Mary felt when the Holy Spirit passed over her". So yes, it's completely innocent.
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🎵 Like a virgin 🎵 [Phil Swan]
I reckon aliens, seeing as how Zappa was zapped around 12 years ago.
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“ I’m still not sure what was weirder meeting aliens or Frank Zappa” said Dave [Phil Swan]
"Don't get lippy with me!"
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“Look it’s 9.30 and we are 2 hours late will you just bloody choose one “ said Dave [Phil Swan]