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It's good to get all your kids round for Christmas.
🎵 It's my party and I'll lie if I want to 🎵
Muppet - Christmas Carol.
"Please give generously, it's for a good cause. Carrie wants some new curtains."
"Sing faster! I've got an illegal party to get to," said Boris.
In the bleak mid winter People made to moan Earth was in pandemic Rules were writ in stone While the hordes had fallen Tory parties flowed In the bleak mid winter Not so long ago..
'Why don't you all just fuck off!', said the kids to the Tories
"Bloody marvellous bash but where's David Cameron? I need to get back to city hall." "No sir, you live here and you're the Prime Minister." "Am I really? That's bloody exciting news. Get President Obama on the phone. Have we left the European Union yet? And what's this Covid all about? Can I have some candy floss?"
'Twat the night before Christmas
Stop staring at his hair.
The Wally and the Ivy
"Right everyone, let's go waffling." "I think you mean 'wassailing'." "I know what I said."
Jane was excited to see Wurzel Gummidge.
"Once in errrrrr royal David's errrrrrr city, stood errrrrrr lowly cattle errrrrrr."
♫ Ding dong merrily on lie ♫
With a bit of creativity from photoshop Boris seems to have an alibi.
Ok, that's the photo, now tell them Santa's round the corner.
"There was no Carol singers outside number 10 and if there was which there wasn't they were all socially distanced , if they had been there in the 1st place."
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