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Jeremy later coughed and invented Marmite.
More embarrassment for the Tories, as leaked photos show last years Christmas party had a Black Lives Matter theme.
Mary washed one of these miners in the new improved washing powder the rest in your regular box of washing powder
Sally was later arrested for selling alcohol to miners.
"When will you guys admit you're not cockneys and you're not real chimney sweeps?" "Shut it, Poppins!"
The Margaret Thatcher appreciation society meet again.
Janice had an addiction for shagging dirty miners, but she'd been clean now for at least a month.
"To your health!" COUGH COUGH
She was only the coalminer's daughter but she had plenty of slack in her knickers.
Maureen bought a ticket to win a date with one of these lucky fellas... It was a sweep stake.
The Land Owners idea had been a partial success. Sending the Welsh Men down the pit during the day meant the sheep didn’t need to worry. However they were worried at night because they couldn’t see them coming.
"Hey Dave! How come they're all dirty and filthy and you're not?" "Well am married with daughters, and thus have a more mature and respectable attitude towards women."
A typical night out in Newcastle 65 years* ago. * typo - I meant minutes
It was a great effort, but none of the male office workers managed to cook beans on toast without problems.
''Ok, lads, he's come all the way from London to speak to us tonight, so let's have a real Yorkshire welcome for Jacob Rees-Mogg.''
All of the workers fancied Miriam. Unfortunately, so did supervisor Bill who was known for being stingy with his wet wipes.
Mary Berry was having a great time as the subject in an early 'This is your life' episode...and then they started bringing her ex-boyfriends in.
"You weren't wrong, Elsie, these charcoal face masks are amazing!"
BREAKING COVID UPDATE: Lack of Covid precautions at Chimney Sweeps' Annual Gathering is fine as most of them already know how to deal with the flue.
Lord Lucan(left) before he went underground.
"Come on you lot. We start work in five minutes."
"OK lads when I said to take a bird down the mine with you I meant a canary."
That's the trouble with pubs these days...Too many coked up loud mouths.
My husband was not happy with me when I got home that night. The black handprints on my boobs started him off, but it was the coal dust around my lips that upset him the most. In hindsight, I should’ve kept my knickers on until I’d had a bath.
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